Point Zero

Poitn Zero

Right now, I am at point zero in my life; the point where the x and y axis intercept. I am ready to plot a few points. I refuse to call it rock bottom, because as soon as you vocalize that you have hit rock bottom, the universe proves you wrong. I know very little about anything, except I need to actively change the way I do things because I am not thrilled about how I am feeling about life right now. I also know that becoming obsessive and extreme about improving my circumstances is not the way to go if I want sustained, long-term change. (I have been there, done that, become despondent and fizzled out.)
Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of great things about my life. I have a wonderful partner in life and crime, Mr G. I have a good job. I can pay my bills and feed my family. I acknowledge that I am privileged and lucky in so many ways, but that doesn’t mean things cannot be better, and it doesn’t invalidate my experience.
I am slightly overweight which is not good for my health or my self-confidence. I have other (totally treatable) health issues I have ignored and they are starting to become bigger than they have to be. I have 3 teenagers who are the biggest source of stress in my life. (I am unsure where I went wrong with them, but that is a whole series of posts on its own.) Mr G and I don’t own our own home, which comes with its own set of frustrations. The last couple of years we have experienced death, run-ins with dishonest people and one run of bad luck after another, and I have let things get to me. I have lost motivation and I don’t feel excited about the future. I am in a rut. Things needs to change. I tend to look at things objectively and analytically, except for my own circumstances. Perhaps I need to take a step back and look more rationally at the things that make me so irrationally unhappy.  Part of my process of being objective and analytical is to write my thought processes down, hence this blog. Another part of being objective is to seek advice from others. I hope if you are reading this that you will make some constructive comments to help my life metamorphosis.

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